Monday, October 13, 2008

freeee bagssss!!!

Girrrrrlssss!! Check this out.

Who's drooling now? ;)

Still got time (less than 24 hours!) to sign up and win this for freeee!


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this place is so quiet. hehe..
obviously lah, cos i'm the only one who did all the updating..

just wanna wish yande: selamat hari raya!! ^___^

too bad i won't be able to make it to zul's open house :(
we meet up again soon k? >___<


Thursday, May 29, 2008

today's LOL moment

Lil: any plants for lunch?

nom nom nom..

Monday, May 12, 2008



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

i still wish..

From: ZZ
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 1:57 PM

tip of the day....if you run down a steep hill during a windy day, an umbrella will NOT function as a parachute or paraglider, no matter how badly you want it to. For like, one split second it seems to do the trick, but then gravity kicks in and you're eating tarmac...


From: EL
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 2:00 PM

when i was younger, i used to jump off a table (sometimes higher) using the umbrella as a parachute.
thank God i never got hurt. haha..

i also wished i was mary poppins.


From: AO
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 2:03 PM

so super duper cute ellis.
as a kid, i always dreamt of floating off using hundreds of helium balloons!


From: EL
Sent: Tuesday, 1 April 2008 2:05 PM

my sis and i believed that if we brush our teeth vigorously enough, we'll foam enough bubbles and fly away.

Friday, March 14, 2008

KEN LEE... tulibu dibu douchoo!

the Ken Lee fever sweeps across WK today..


Thursday, March 13, 2008

Got this from the HR this morn:

We are looking for freelance proofreaders again and if you all know of anyone who fits the desired qualities below, please do ask them to send in an e mail to me with their contact number.

The rate payable will be RM8 per hour. The freelancers are required to work in our office premises and also make themselves available at anytime required by us.

Desired qualities:
a. Meticulous – High attention to detail
b. Good level of focus and concentration over long periods of time
c. Able to handle monotonous and mundane work
d. Disciplined and self-motivated
e. Reasonable command of English
f. Not expecting constant income
g. Flexible – can come in at short notice, as and when required; sometimes working in office and sometimes from home.

Thank you.

C'mon, if I had qualifications like that, I wouldn't slave myself for a RM8/hour lo. The $$$ for toll and petrol to CBJ is at least RM15, depending where you are coming from, and another minimum RM5 for lunch, and if I worked 8 hours (@RM64/day), one-third of my salary goes to just coming for work. RM40 per day for a mind numbing job.. crazy ah? And they want quality and error-free results. And it's supposed to be one of the most crucial processes in the workflow. It's like Ferrari subletting the engine designing job to kids in arts classes so they can save enough for hotel accommodation. What kinda sense is that?

If you paid peanuts, guess what you'll get?

Friday, February 22, 2008

lesson of the day: vege name

after an intense debate, we concluded that:
sengkuang = mexican turnip = yambean = jicama (pronounced hi-ka-ma)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

salad schmalad

this is salad.

chopped lettuce, black beans, sweet corn, jicama, cilantro, basil, crispy corn tortilla strips and Monterey Jack cheese tossed together in herb ranch dressing. topped with chopped BBQ chicken breast, diced tomatoes and green onions.

yummy to no end. so made my weekend. ^__^

[btw, that's california pizza kitchen's BBQ chicken chopped (eh?) salad]


this, my friends, is pathetic.

lettuce drowned in mayo. plus other stuffs.
made me sicker that i already am.
this is seriously nasty, like, URGH!
like how my sis would call it: horrible terrible vegetable.

and this is pathetic's cousin, the salty mixture known as mushroom soup, something only zul could stomach and say is passable. fel and i ate these cos we had to pay for it. and mom said never to waste food.

[both items from D'Ariff]


Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fel turns... jeng jeng jeng... 26!

Fellow lunchers..

..taking their lunches very seriously.

Jasp: Sigh, me and my "fat" arms. What am I gonna doooo?

Lil: Oooo.. fat arms.. I like. Let's take a picture.

Muka nakal.

Muka -____-.
Sigh, I'm too young to be 26.

Fel: Huffing and puffing my wrinkles and crow's feet away..

A nice pic of Yande, myself and Ling. Cos i am the author of this post.